Espinasse31 Contemporary Gallery 

Espinasse31 Contemporary Gallery 

Arkios Italy S.p.A. Group proudly sponsors Street-Art and Pop Art, with this new exhibition organized by the art gallery Espinasse31 Contemporary...
Financecommunity Awards 2019

Financecommunity Awards 2019

Arkios vince BEST PRACTICE MARKET STRATEGY Arkios Italy Con la messa a segno di una importante acquisizione, questa società si prepara a diventare la prima investment bank del Mid Cap, capace di fornire un ampio raggio di soluzioni alle PMI clienti, sul mercato e non...
“One year in Via Dante 14”

“One year in Via Dante 14”

  Arkios Italy è lieta di invitarLa il 7 Novembre alle 7pm all’evento “One year in Via Dante 14” Party & Cocktail Découverte con performance live dello street artist americano Skott Marsi e opere del brasiliano Jotape La serata è organizzata...
Rethinking the Future of Plastics in Packaging

Rethinking the Future of Plastics in Packaging

Plastics and plastic packaging are an integral and important part of the global economy. Plastics production has surged over the past 50 years, from 15 million tonnes in 1964 to c.a. 320 million tonnes in 2017, and is expected to double again over the next 20 years,...
European M&A Report – 1° Quarter 2019

European M&A Report – 1° Quarter 2019

According to Mergermarket global M&A activity experienced a slowdown in the 1° Quarter 2019, with a significant decrease both in number of deals (-30%) from 5,085 to 3,558, than in deals worth (-15%), with a total worth of USD 801.5bn registered in 1Q19, against...